Elementary Science Olympiad ESO Photo

ESO 2015 Award Winners
Here's the complete listing of medalists and team trophy winners from Elementary Science Olympiad 2015 at Jacksonville High School. See a typo? Email us and we'll fix it!.


1st: Clanton Intermediate (Clanton)
2nd: Faith Christian School (Anniston)
3rd: Kitty Stone Elementary (Jacksonville)
4th: Donoho School (Anniston)
5th: Corner Elementary (Corner)
6th: Excalibur Christian School (Huntsville)


A is for Anatomy
1st: Faith Christian - Kelsey Brown, Isabella Patten
2nd: Mt. Olive - Caleb Harrell, Averee Gooch
3rd: Clanton - Cameron McGhar, Jadyn Kurdziel
4th: Donoho - Maggie Wakefield, Carter Stremmel
5th: Pleasant Grove - Nick Green, Tyler Steele
6th: Brighton - Keondranese Turner, David Summerville

Boggle Science
1st: Paine - Hollis Prosser, Mohamed Alzoubi
2nd: Faith Christian - Riley Johnson, Isabella Patten
3rd: Corner - Emma Hartley, Josh Morgan
4th: Clanton - Evelyn Cleckler, Jadyn Kurdziel
5th: Donoho - Mihir Patel, Ash Reddy
6th: Fultondale - Aislyn Cook, Jazmine Garner

Bridging the Gap
1st: Chalkville - Kevin Lin, Deija Neller
2nd: West Jefferson - Wyatt Sargent, Collin Pate
3rd: Fultondale - Andrew Hammett, Harrison Ellis
4th (tie): Bryan - Dawson Mann, Alyssa Glenn
4th (tie): Donoho - Carter Stremmel, Claire Walker
6th: Hueytown - Ariel Woods, Londan Davis

Calculator Contest
1st: Chalkville - Huy Nguyen
2nd: Kitty Stone - Mason Bayles
3rd: Faith Christian - Janie Sills
4th: Donoho - Chloe Phillips
5th: Jefferson CA - Jaryd Burrows
6th: Irondale - Joshua Little

Crash Landing
1st: North Highland - Riley Miller, Mariyah Kelly
2nd: Bryan - Brayden Estes, Wesley Blackwood
3rd: Clanton - Leighton Coppedge, Brody Garmany
4th: Brighton - DeVyn McClain, Darien Wilson
5th: Faith Christian - Riley Johnson, Brady Patterson
6th: Mt. Olive - Harper Alspach, Maddie Calvert

Deep Blue Sea
1st: Clanton - Emma Kate Locke, Mason Zuelzke
2nd: Faith Christian - Madison Brown, Erin McVeigh
3rd: Kitty Stone - Meredith Stafford, Alexis Johnson
4th: Excalibur - Caleb Abrantes, Todd Morgan
5th: Pleasant Grove - Devin Palmer, Chaise Ray
6th: Donoho - Ash Reddy, Noah George

Food for Thought
1st: Excalibur - Nick Morgan, Todd Morgan
2nd: Clanton - Cole Tignor, Grace Trentman
3rd: Corner - Katie Justice, Kanon Scarbinsky
4th: Donoho - Emily Anne Trebus, Dean Harrell
5th: Paine - DJ Carter, Barrett Willingham
6th: Concord - Wyatt Mattson, Jacob Isom

Free Fall
1st: Adamsville - Saniya Brooks, Samarah Cameron
2nd: Mt. Olive - Carter Nelson, Cooper Lively
3rd: Faith Christian - Austin Elliott, Erin McVeigh
4th: Kitty Stone - Brody Bean, Mason Terrell
5th: Saks Middle - Arianna Hollingsworth, Tazoria Hester
6th: Excalibur - Jozef Sobczak, Miriam Radcliffe

1st: Clanton - Leighton Coppedge, Sam Smith
2nd: Kitty Stone - Noah Winters, Drew Pridgen
3rd: West Jefferson - Becca Kelley, Madison Glaze
4th (tie): Saks Middle - Connor Martin, Darius McGhee
4th (tie): Corner - Jackson Miller, Lily Grace
5th: Adamsville - Tyrelle Hines, Akira Whitfield
6th: Excalibur - Caleb Abrantes, Anna Moore

Get Your Bearing
1st: Corner - Jackson Harris, Eli Reeser
2nd: Excalibur - Jozef Sobczak, Matthew Hurt
3rd: Kitty Stone - Coleman Oliver, Brendan Smith
4th: Donoho - Judson Billings, Tristan Smith
5th: Prattville CA - Makeena Simpson, Sarah Branch
6th: Faith Christian - Aidan Elliott, Brady Patterson

Grab a Gram
1st: Corner - Katie Justice, Abby Johnson
2nd: Kitty Stone - Colemen Oliver, Brody Bean
3rd: Saks Middle - Mason Webb, Eduardo Santillan
4th: Fultondale - Aislyn Cook, Azael Aguilar
5th: North Highland - Kennedi Washington, Mariyah Kelly
6th: Faith Christian - Katelyn Pope, Anna Strautman

How Do You Spell Science?
1st: Faith Christian - Carly Hawbaker, Sydney Newman
2nd: Donoho - Ash Reddy, Emma Kate Tucker
3rd: Kitty Stone - Drew Pridgen, Wilson Boothe
4th: Corner - Kaiser Scarbinsky, Emma Hartley
5th: Jefferson CA - Henry Mann, Naomi Mewbourne
6th: Fultondale - Taylin Brown, Caleb Davis

In Bloom
1st: Clanton - Heath Driver, Jacob Wilson
2nd: Donoho - Amarachi Nwogu, Tristan Smith
3rd: Excalibur - Isabella Vaughn, Madlyn Vaughn
4th: Paine - Mary Grace Davidson, Kaylin Campbell
5th: Kitty Stone - Coleman Oliver, Audrey Keeton
6th: Faith Christian - Madison Brown, Hanna Kramer

It's Elemental
1st: Donoho - Amarachi Nwogu, Chloe Phillips
2nd: Kitty Stone - Hayden Watts, Elizabeth Kadle
3rd: Clanton - Evelyn Cleckler, Andrew Simpson
4th: Paine - Judson Upchurch, Hudson Bates
5th: Faith Christian - Sam Thacker, Oakley Pate
6th: Fultondale - Andrew Hammett, Harrison Ellis

Knock, Knock, Who's There?
1st: Faith Christian - Hannah Kramer, Brady Patterson
2nd: Clanton - Sam Smith, Cole Tignor
3rd: Excalibur - Matthew Hurt, Miriam Radcliffe
4th: West Jefferson - Collin Pate, Wyatt Sargent
5th: Bryan - Drew Hogeland, Anna Stark
6th: Corner - Eli Reeser, Jackson Harris

Modern Minds
1st: Donoho - Amarachi Nwogu, Emma Kate Tucker
2nd: Kitty Stone - Brendan Smith, Christian Barnett
3rd: Mt. Olive - Braden Murray, Dakota Seale
4th: Clanton - Mia Deaon, Thomas Cleckler
5th: Excalibur - Matthew Hurt, Nick Bandy
6th: Faith Christian - Baylee Phillips, Sam Thacker

Mystery Architecture
1st: Donoho - Amelia Baker, Claire Walker
2nd: West Jefferson - Madison Glaze, Madison Frye
3rd: Clanton - Clayton Miller, Mason Zuelzke
4th: Bryan - Elizabeth Blackwood, Ashlyn Hatcher
5th: Faith Christian - Oakley Pate, Isabella Patten
6th: Saks Middle - Connor Williams, Eduardo Santillan

1st: Donoho - Noah George, Carter Stremmel
2nd: Kitty Stone - Kelcie Comisac, Elizabeth Kadle
3rd: Corner - Jackson Harris, Gabe Hallmark
4th: West Jefferson - Dakota Gardiner
5th: Irondale - Joshua Sales, Sofiri Ibelema
6th: Pleasant Grove - Gabby Taylor, Brooklyn Linley

Quick Sketch
1st: Kitty Stone - Brooklynne Duckett, Alexis Johnson
2nd: Saks Middle - Mariah Dukes, Abby Price
3rd: Donoho - Vishwa Patel, Chloe Phillips
4th: North Highland - Layla Thorn, Emma Massey
5th: Concord - Luke Price, Jake Knowles
6th: Corner - Ethan Muncher, Shelby Jones

Science of Music
1st: Kitty Stone - Tyler Grace Reyes, Ethan Miles-Jamison
2nd: Bryan - Clara Cogle, Kendall Hughes
3rd: Faith Christian - Ava Minish, Baylee Phillips
4th: Gardendale - Micah Ragland, Phillip Torbert
5th: Donoho - Grant Steed, Isabella Nelson
6th: Mt. Olive - Maddie Calvert, Harper Alspach

Space Invaders
1st: Saks Middle - Chloe Cram, Benji Coleman
2nd: Kitty Stone - Kelcie Comisac, Amanda Cunnigan
3rd: Clanton - Clayton Miller, Chris Milks
4th: Brighton - David Summerville, KeOndranese Turner
5th: Bryan - Logan Hall, Brayden Estes
6th: Excalibur - Alden Conner, Samuel Wilson

Super Sleuths
1st: Faith Christian - Baylee Phillips, Janie Sills
2nd: Clanton - Jake Moore, Andrew Simpson
3rd: Mt. Olive - Abby Hollis, Abby Graham
4th: Prattville CA - Katie Gatlin, Matthew Lisle
5th: Chalkville - MaKayla Brooks, Asia Lanier
6th: Jefferson CA - Chloe Stroud, Logan Eason

Triple Play
1st: Clanton - Avree Parrish, Evelyn Cleckler, Chris Milks
2nd: Faith Christian - Aidan Elliott, Carly Hawbaker, Sydney Newman
3rd (tie): Concord - Eli Swindle, Lucas Grifface, Wyatt Mattson
3rd (tie): Hueytown - Connor Wathan, Holden Mink, Justice Finkley
5th: Donoho - Dean Harrell, Isabella Nelson, Owen Kim
6th: Kermit Johnson - Bailey Wade, Tyler Russell

Weather or Not
1st: Kitty Stone - Austin Radomsky, Jada Giddings
2nd: Clanton - Callie Childress, Brady Garmany
3rd: Pleasant Grove - Elizabeth Smith, Grace Bradley
4th: Prattville CA - Makenna Simpson
5th: Jefferson CA - Jerah Murphree, Jillian Borch
6th: North Highland - Emma Massey, Mariyah Kelly

What Are You Trying to Tell Me?
1st: Corner - Katie Justice, Kanon Scarbinsky
2nd: Faith Christian - Madison Brown, Carly Hawbaker
3rd: Mt. Olive - Rory McPherson, Eli Grayson
4th: Excalibur - Stephanie Mikatarian, Nick Morgan
5th: Bryan - Clara Cagle, Makayla Freeman
6th: Clanton - Matthew Simpson, Jacob Wilson

Where in the World?
1st: Excalibur - Todd Morgan, Anna Moore
2nd: Clanton - Jake Moore, Emma Deason
3rd: Paine - Chase Armstrong, Brianna Plant
4th: Donoho - Maggie Wakefield, Amarachi Nwogu
5th: Minor - Richie Kater, Taylen Noehren
6th: Fultondale - Emily Stewart, Kristiana Terry

Which Way's North?
1st: Clanton - Jake Moore, Grace Trentman
2nd: Faith Christian - Austin Eliott, Brady Patterson
3rd: Excalibur - Nick Morgan, Owen Evans
4th: Kitty Stone - Ethan Miles-Jamison, Helen Carter
5th: Donoho - Isabella Nelson, Grant Steed
6th: Mt. Olive - Eric Webb, Kaden McKinney

Write It, Do It
1st: Minor - Suzanna Aldarghme, Bethany Morgan, DaMiyah Owens, Prince Jenkins
2nd: Kitty Stone - Noah Weathers, Jada Giddings, Helen Carter, Mason Terrell
3rd: Paine - Trevor Warren, Barrett Willingham, Maddie Mann, Adam Norris
4th: Clanton - Andrew Simpson, Clayton Miller, Thomas Cleckler, Sam Smith
5th: Mt. Olive - Abby Hollis, Abby Graham, Trinity Stinson, Averee Gooch
6th: Donoho - Judson Billings, Bryan Wynn, Amelia Baker, Vishwa Patel

Updated: February 22, 2015.

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